AmigaOS3.5 (172/967)

From:Billy Horton
Date:4 May 2000 at 15:52:59
Subject:Re: Toaster/Flyer

Hello Blair,

On 04-May-00, Blair Wickstrand wrote:

>> I'm subscribed to 2 Toaster/Flyer mail lists, and I've seen a
>> few posts from people who are successfully running T/F's with OS
>> 3.5.

> Are these problems Flyer specific or would a person running the
> Toaster4000 also be affected. What kind of problems are
> experienced running under OS35 ?

Actually, I wrote above that there *are* people successfully using 3.5, just
most are content with the earlier OS's. It's not so much that 3.5 causes
problems with T/Fs, just it doesn't add any functionality to it. I haven't
read about anyone experiencing problems with their T/F because of OS 3.5.

>From what I can tell (having only read about it, since I don't have 3.5
installed myself) the biggest problem with OS 3.5 is getting large hard
drives (>4 gig) configured properly with different controllers. A lot of
Toaster owners are still using older HD controllers, since they were some
of the first Amiga owners to need and buy hard drives.

If you need OS 3.5 for other functions besides the Toaster/Flyer, then it
will probably be a good idea to go for it. If all you use your Ami for is
T/F, then the only reason to upgrade, IMO, is for large HD support.


Billy Horton
Video Image Productions
Hattiesburg, MS
The birthplace of Rock-N-Roll (look it up!)

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